Both Units are in Excellent Condition!
McIntosh C500T which is the tube version with C500C control module.
The amplifying section is enclosed in a second cabinet. On its glass front plate there are of course blue VU meters, and the tube module has also a window, in which we can see the tubes – four double triodes 12AX7A (two per channel) selected at McIntosh.
The balanced and unbalanced sections were located separately. The latter has three inputs and four outputs – three variable, for power amplifiers (for example usable for tri-amping) and a rec-out. And although the first three are really balanced, the recording output is made balanced just before the socket. There are four unbalanced RCA inputs, based on splendid, bolted sockets, then a processor loop, two gramophone inputs – for MM and MC cartridges. Between them we have big, gold plated, ground bolts. And the RCA outputs – four: three variable for power amplifiers, and one fixed, for recording. And amongst all those there are two sockets for the cables coming from the control unit – one for each channel.
Real dual-mono, and both channels are separated with a very thick aluminum plate, similar to the one used for the cabinet. On the input there is the selector section, made using fantastic elements – reed relays, much better than the standard relays. Behind this we have the amplifying circuit – the mentioned tubes. The volume control is handled by a Burr-Brown PGA2311P chip.