Circuit Design is Pure Class-A, Single-Ended Triode, Zero Feedback, Dual-Mono.
Audio Circuit has no Cathode Followers or Buffers. To prevent unwanted AC-induced distortions, the L3 features an External Power Supply housing three separate supplies and a large-shielded, custom-wound transformer.
In the main chassis, four-separate, fully-regulated FET power supplies drive the audio circuitry in addition to separate filament supplies. Automatic-timed muting with Tri-Color LED indicator.
Low-light Illumination for Selector Switch and Master Volume Control Knobs.
Standby Mode avoids cold starts and prolongs tube life and circuit components.
Active Tape Output and External S/S Output Buffers are FET regulated, set for unity-gain.
All circuit boards are hand-soldered using the finest silver solder available. All polypropylene and polystyrene film capacitors used are proprietary designs of Audible Illusions. Resistors are precision 1% Holco and Roederstein. Proprietary gold-plated RCA Jacks with Teflon insulators. Master stereo volume is laser-trimmed Alps. Balance Controls are Precision Stepped Attenuators. Handcrafted in the USA.
Gain: 30dB, Tape & S/S Processor 0dB
Distortion: .10% at 1.5V rms, 20-20kHz, into 50kOhm. Less than .12% at 1V out 20-20kHz into IHF load
Frequency Response: Within +/-1dB 2Hz to 100kHz measured w 1-1 probe/50 kOhms,100pf
Signal to Noise: 90dB below 1.5V rms output wideband
Max Input: 9V rms
Signal Phase: Main Out-Inverting, Tape and S/S Processor-Non Inverting
Input Impedance: 50kOhm – all Output Impedance: Main-1.2 kOhms Tape, S/S Processor-150 Ohms Muting: 45 second warm-up and automatic brown-out protection Tube Compliment: 2-6H23EB twin-triodes, graded & matched
Dimensions: 19″W x 3.5″H standard rack mount Chassis is 17″W x 11″D x 3″H Power Supply, 6″W x 10″D x 5″H Weight: 19.5 lbs, 24 lbs (shipping wt.)